Position Title
Graduate Student
- Food Science & Technology
Research Advisor
Degree Pursuing:
85% of waste from beer production is in the form of solid residue with bulk water, known as Brewers Spent Grain. Emily’s research in Dr. Fox’s lab focuses on upcycling this waste into a usable form of biomass energy. Emily is also working with a local farm to generate an overview of the composition of a chestnut beer and its waste stream as compared to a traditional beer.
Emily’s major career focus is on improving the sustainability of the food industry. She finds it essential to decrease food waste and carbon footprint, while increasing worldwide access to and supply of food for our growing population.
Outside of the lab, Emily is the Communications Chair for The Davis Alt. Protein Project, and a first year student representative for the UC Davis Food Science Graduate Student Association.
- B.S. Food Science & Technology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst (2020)